The Council of Councils Fifth Regional Conference : Sydney
Feb 23-25, 2014
Event Gallery

The Hon. John Howard OM AC (Former Prime Minister of Australia) delivers a keynote speech at dinner during the CoC Fifth Regional Conference (Peter Morris).
Council of Councils members participate in a session during the CoC Fifth Regional Conference (Peter Morris).
Council of Councils members participate in a session during the CoC Fifth Regional Conference (Peter Morris).
Council of Councils members pose for a photo during the CoC Fifth Regional Conference (Peter Morris).
The Council of Councils Fifth Regional Conference (Peter Morris).
Ambassador Barry Desker (Dean of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies) participates during the CoC Fifth Regional Conference (Peter Morris).
Participants converse during the CoC Fifth Regional Conference (Peter Morris).
Richard Haass (President, CFR) converses with Gareth Evans AC QC (Former Australian Foreign Minister) during the CoC Fifth Regional Conference (Peter Morris).
Françoise Nicolas (Director, Center for Asian Studies, French Institute of International Relations) participates during the CoC Fifth Regional Conference (Peter Morris).
Michael Fullilove (Executive Director, Lowy Institute) converses with Richard Haass (President, CFR) during the CoC Fifth Regional Conference (Peter Morris).
On February 23–25, 2014, the Lowy Institute for International Policy and CFR convened the fifth Council of Councils regional conference, with a focus on the Asia Pacific region.
Participants discussed six major themes:
• How to revitalize the G20: A view from the Australian chair
• How to respond to the global challenge of Iran
• Minilateralism versus multilateralism in Asia
• Maritime security in the Asia Pacific
• The Trans-Pacific Partnership and global trade
• Should there be rules for how states exploit cyberspace?
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