The Council of Councils Fourth Regional Conference : Mexico City
Nov 24-26, 2013
Event Gallery

José Miguel Insulza (Secretary General, OAS) delivers a keynote speech during the CoC Fourth Regional Conference (Gustavo Benitez).
Participants pose for a picture during the CoC Fourth Regional Conference (Gustavo Benitez).
Participants gather for a session during the CoC Fourth Regional Conference (Gustavo Benitez).
Council members participate during the CoC Fourth Regional Conference (Gustavo Benitez).
José Miguel Insulza (Secretary General, OAS) participates during the CoC Fourth Regional Conference (Gustavo Benitez).
Jaime Zabludovsky (COMEXI) converses with Carlos Ivan Simonsen Leal (Getulio Vargas Foundation) during the CoC Fourth Regional Conference (Gustavo Benitez).
Council members participate in a session during the CoC Fourth Regional Conference (Gustavo Benitez).
José Antonio Meade Kuribreña (Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Mexican Foreign Ministry) delivers a keynote speech during the CoC Fourth Regional Conference (Gustavo Benitez).
Council members converse during the CoC Fourth Regional Conference (Gustavo Benitez).
Sergio Werlang (Former Director of the Brazilian Central Bank) delivers the welcome dinner keynote speech during the CoC Fourth Regional Conference (Gustavo Benitez).
On November 24–26, 2013, the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations, the Getulio Vargas Foundation, and CFR convened the fourth Council of Councils regional conference, in conjunction with the Hemispheric Meeting of Councils on International Relations: The Future of the Americas in Global Governance.
Participants discussed five major themes:
• Is there a Latin America?
• Latin America in Regional and Global Trade Arrangements
• The Group of Twenty and Global Governance
• Organized Crime and Narcotics
• Energy Security in Latin America
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